If you want to buy RegexBuddy for yourself or for your company, you can easily buy RegexBuddy directly from the developer Just Great Software. Buying direct ensures you will get the lowest price and the fastest service.
If you want, you can buy RegexBuddy from any software reseller that you like. Perhaps your company has an exclusive software procurement contract with them. Or perhaps it’s just more convenient for you. We are happy to sell through any reseller. Your reseller can find all the information they need below. The address of this page is https://www.regexbuddy.com/reseller.html
You can easily purchase an RegexBuddy license on behalf of your customer at https://www.just-great-software.com/order/rxb/. Type in your customer’s contact details in the first (“end user”) section, and your contact details in the second (“buyer”) section. Our systems will then generate the RegexBuddy license in your customer’s name, billed to you.
RegexBuddy is delivered as a download, free of charge. The license details and download instructions will be emailed automatically to the email address you enter in the “end user” section. This email address is the one we will send update notices to, and the one that serves as the point of contact for technical support.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer any reseller discounts. We mostly sell direct, and therefore price our software sharply without much room for discounts. If you simply want to make a one-time purchase on behalf of your customers, please follow the instructions above, and pay full price. You are welcome to charge your customer for all services you provide.
RegexBuddy | Package Price | Unit Price |
RegexBuddy single user license | US$ 39.95 | US$ 39.95 |
RegexBuddy 5-user license | US$ 159.00 | US$ 31.80 |
RegexBuddy 10-user license | US$ 279.00 | US$ 27.90 |
RegexBuddy 20-user license | US$ 499.00 | US$ 24.95 |
RegexBuddy 30-user license | US$ 689.00 | US$ 22.96 |
RegexBuddy 50-user license | US$ 999.00 | US$ 19.98 |
RegexBuddy 75-user license | US$ 1,299.00 | US$ 17.32 |
RegexBuddy 100-user license | US$ 1,499.00 | US$ 14.99 |
Prices shown on our website exclude taxes. Sales tax, VAT, or GST will be added during checkout if your country imposes such taxes on internet sales. You will have the opportunity to provide a tax ID or VAT number to remove the tax if your business is tax exempt.
You can buy an RegexBuddy license for any number of users. The price will be based on the per-user price of the largest package smaller than the license size you want. E.g. a 7-user license would cost US$ 222.60 total or US$ 31.80 per user.
If your customer wants a license for more than 100 users, please contact us at sales@regexbuddy.com and mention the number of licenses you want, and your preferred payment methods.