Most of the commands available in RegexBuddy have keyboard shortcuts associated with them. The editor boxes where you can edit your regular expressions, replacement strings, and test subjects recognize many additional text editing keyboard shortcuts not listed here.
These keyboard shortcuts work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy.
Alt+F Application drop-down list
Alt+F1 Application dialog box
F3 Toggle Helpful or Strict emulation
Alt+M Switch to Match mode
Alt+R Switch to Replace mode
Alt+S Switch to Split mode
Alt+C Copy regex or replacement as a string literal
Alt+P Paste regex or replacement from a string literal
Alt+O Toggle matching modes (follow up with underlined letters in the popup menu)
Alt+1 Move keyboard focus to the editor box for the regular expression
Alt+1, Tab Move keyboard focus to the editor box for the replacement text
Alt+2 Show and activate the History panel
Alt+3 Show and activate the Create panel
Alt+4 Show and activate the Convert panel
Alt+5 Show and activate the Test panel
Alt+6 Show and activate the Debug panel
Alt+7 Show and activate the Use panel
Alt+8 Show and activate the Library panel
Alt+9 Show and activate the GREP panel
Alt+0 Show and activate the Forum panel
These keyboard shortcuts work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. They do not show or activate the History panel. They perform their task even if the History panel is invisible.
F2 Add a regular expression (duplicates the current regex)
Ctrl+Alt+F2 Delete the current regex
Shift+F2 Move the regex up in the History
Shift+Ctrl+F2 Move the regex down in the History
Shift+Ctrl+N Start a new instance of RegexBuddy
These keyboard shortcuts work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. Using them automatically shows and activates the Create panel prior to performing their task.
Shift+F3 Toggle the regex tree between Brief and Detailed mode
Alt+I Open the Insert Token menu (follow up with underlined letters in the menu)
Alt+P Flavor comparison drop-down list
Ctrl+F3 Flavor comparison dialog box
Alt+X Export the regex tree
These keyboard shortcuts work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. Using them automatically shows and activates the Convert panel prior to performing their task.
Alt+V Flavor conversion drop-down list
Ctrl+F4 Flavor conversion dialog box
This keyboard shortcut only works if the Convert panel has keyboard focus. If any other panel has keyboard focus, the shortcut is handled by the Library panel.
Alt+A Accept conversion
These keyboard shortcuts work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. Using them automatically shows and activates the Test panel prior to performing their task.
Alt+H Toggle match highlighting
Alt+L Open the List All menu if RegexBuddy is in Match mode
Alt+L Open the Replace menu if RegexBuddy is in Replace mode
Alt+L Test the Split action if RegexBuddy is in Split mode
Shift+F5 Cycle the test scope between whole file, page by page, and line by line
Ctrl+F5 Cycle the line break mode between automatic, CRLF pairs, LF only, and CR only
These keyboard shortcuts only work if the Test panel has keyboard focus. The same shortcuts are used by other panels.
Ctrl+O Open file
Ctrl+S Save file under a new name
This keyboard shortcut works whenever the keyboard focus is not on the Library panel, where it performs a different task. Using it automatically shows and activates the Use panel prior to performing its task.
Alt+U Function drop-down list
This keyboard shortcut work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. It does not show or activate the Use panel. It can perform its task even when the Use panel is invisible.
F7 Copy the code snippet to the clipboard
This keyboard shortcut works whenever the keyboard focus is not on the Convert panel, where it performs a different task. Using it automatically shows and activates the Library panel prior to performing its task.
Alt+A Add regex to library
This keyboard shortcut works regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. Using it automatically shows and activates the Library panel prior to performing its task.
Alt+A Add regex to library
Alt+E Update regex in library
These keyboard shortcuts only work if the Library panel has keyboard focus. The same shortcuts are used by other panels.
Alt+U Use regex selected in library (copy to History)
Ctrl+N New library
Ctrl+O Open library
Ctrl+S Save library under a new name
These keyboard shortcuts work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. Using them automatically shows and activates the GREP panel prior to performing their task.
F9 Preview
Ctrl+F9 Execute
Shift+F9 Quick Execute
Ctrl+Alt+F9 Undo (restore files from backups)
Ctrl+Alt+F10 Delete backup files
Shift+F10 Abort
These keyboard shortcuts only work if the Library panel has keyboard focus. The same shortcuts are used by other panels.
Ctrl+N Clear GREP panel
Ctrl+O Open GREP action
Ctrl+S Save GREP action under a new name
This keyboard shortcut work regardless of which panel has keyboard focus in RegexBuddy. It does not show or activate the GREP panel. It can perform its task even when the GREP panel is invisible.
Shift+Ctrl+P Launch PowerGREP