Forum RSS Feeds
When you’re connected to the user forum, you can click the Feeds button to select RSS feeds that you can add to your favorite feed reader. This way, you can follow RegexBuddy’s discussion forums as part of your regular reading, without having to start RegexBuddy. To participate in the discussions, simply click on a link in the RSS feed. All links in RegexBuddy’s RSS feeds will start RegexBuddy and present the forum login screen. After you log in, wait a few moments for RegexBuddy to download the latest conversations. RegexBuddy will automatically select the conversation or message that the link points to. If RegexBuddy was already running and you were already logged onto the forums, the conversation or message that the link points to is selected immediately.
You can choose which conversations should be included in the RSS feed:
- All conversations in all groups: show all conversations in all the discussion groups that you can access in RegexBuddy.
- All conversations in the selected group: show the list of conversations that RegexBuddy is presently showing on the Forum panel.
- All conversations you participated in: show all conversations that you started or replied to in all the discussion groups that you can access in RegexBuddy.
- All conversations you started: show all conversations that you started in all the discussion groups that you can access in RegexBuddy.
- Only the selected conversation: show only the conversation that you are presently reading on the Forum panel in RegexBuddy.
In addition, you can choose how the conversations that you want in your RSS feed should be arranged into items or entries in the feed:
- One item per group, with a list of conversations: Entries link to groups as a whole. The entry titles show the names of the groups. The text of each entry shows a list of conversation subjects and dates. You can click the subjects to participate in the conversation in RegexBuddy. Choose this option if you prefer to read discussions in RegexBuddy itself (with instant access to attachments), and you only want your RSS reader to tell you if there’s anything new to be read.
- One item per conversation, without messages: Entries link to conversations. The entry titles show the subjects of the conversations. The entry text shows the date the conversation was started and last replied to. If your feed has conversations from multiple groups, those will be mixed among each other.
- One item per conversation, with a list of messages: Entries link to conversations. The entry titles show the subjects of the conversations. The entry text shows the list of replies with their summaries, author names, and dates. You can click a message summary to read the message in RegexBuddy. If your feed has conversations from multiple groups, those will be mixed among each other.
- One item per conversation, with a list of messages: Entries link to conversations. The entry titles show the subjects of the conversations. The entry text shows the list of replies, each with their full text. If your feed has conversations from multiple groups, those will be mixed among each other. This is the best option if you want to read full discussions in your RSS reader.
- One item per message with its full text: Entries link to messages (responses to conversations). The entry titles show the message summary. The entry text shows the full text of the reply, and the conversation subject that you can click on to open the conversation in RegexBuddy. If your feed lists multiple conversations, replies to different conversations are mixed among each other. Choose this option if you want to read full discussions in your RSS reader, but your RSS reader does not mark old entries as unread when they are updated in the RSS feed.